
Jane: Madame Catherine I’ve returned with a witness testimony.

Catherine: It is good to see your return Jane. Please hand me the testimony and go and investigate the items found at the crime scene.

Jane: Aye Madame Catherine.

As Jane was investigating the items one thing stood out amongst the rest. The white handkerchief. Its so familiar but so strange.

Jane: This handkerchief alludes me.

As she was thiking to herself Cathrine walks into the room demanding Jane to hand her the handkerchief. Since Catherine is her superior she hands over the handkerchief no questions asked. As the weeks go by the case has gone cold. But the more time has past the more the handkerchief weighs in her mind. It wasn't till she saw it again that the gears start clicking in her head.

Jane: Catherine, have you ever wondered what happened to Anne?

Catherine: No, I never leave my imagination to such things.

Jane: Well, I've been thinking recently and was wodering who could've killed her and what had happened to her, WHY it had happened to her.

Catherine: Jane you are thinking to much into this. Sometimes peculiar events happen to people for a reason. There was a reason to what happened to Anne. It was a tragic event but even so the Lard has personal plans for everyone.

Jane: But it is so-

Catherine: Let's not speak of it no more Jane. Whatever happened, happened and for a good reason to.

As Catherine was walking away a cream color piece of cloth falls behind her. Jane goes to pick up the cloth and upon closer inspection notices a purple strip with a purple cross.

Jane: Catherine you've forgot...your...handkerchief...


Ginger hair sways within the crisp breeze. The naked body of a women hangs upside down from a tree. Enclosed in a circle of wax. It's tragic when events repeat themsleves.

The End
